a mindful approach to finding fitness


Restorative Personal Training & exercise therapy

exercise therapy is an approach to personal training that works for anyone interested in creating a healthy lifestyle. it is especially helpful in creating a routine for those that struggle with consistency. obstacles as common as a sedentary lifestyle, regular aging, lack of experience, or weight gain can hinder one’s ability to stay consistent with exercise. In addition, common conditions such as joint replacement, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, recurring injuries, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, can dramatically change one’s desire to continue or begin an exercise routine. at Catherine hamilton wellness, we specialize in meeting the needs of the client no matter where their starting point is. our goal is to create a safe place both physically and mentally so you are able to add physical exercise into your life in the best way possible…

for you.

balance, flexibility, mobility, strength

a note about Mental health

If you suffer from mental illness and are apprehensive about taking the first step towards a healthier physical fitness regimen, it is ok to feel that way . We will work together on taking care of mind and body as we work towards becoming more comfortable with the uncomfortable. Exercise is one of the best things you can add to your life if you are suffering from mental illness. However, it is also one of the hardest things to start. It is okay to feel nervous and it is okay to make mistakes. Just give it a shot. You are safe here.

Fees & Services

Due to the wide variety of services offered, fees may vary. Please contact for a quote.