
holistic mental health coaching

Holistic health coaching integrates mental, emotional, and physical health. Catherine teaches her clients to be mindful of how they feel both mentally and physically during their training sessions. She has experience coaching clients struggling with a variety of mental health diagnoses from depression to OCD to anxiety and mood disorders. The integration of mental and emotional healing in combination with the goal of physical healing, provides a path to overall wellness.

Our health goals are often stifled by the constant barage of new fitness and diet trends. It is easy to become confused and distracted by what we hear and read. That confusion leads to self-doubt which then can lead to a pattern of disordered behaviors. Our hope is that every client will learn to confidently siphon through the barage of health and wellness information and decide what path is best.

There is not a one note fix for physical or mental fitness. It is personal, individual, targeted, and changing.